Windshield Replacement: 4 Things A Person

Windshield Replacement: 4 Things A Person

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A. Make sure the equipment used to repair your windshield is of professional quality and not a $9.00 do it yourself kit and some kid claiming high quality repairs. Quality windshield repair kits cost a thousand dollars or more. Make sure the technician doing the repairs has the skills needed and has at least one year experience in-house under supervision. The windshield repair industry requires 80% visual improvement. Most repair specialists strive for 95% plus visual improvement. The reason for this is that once a repair is attempted and not done properly the first time your stuck with that repair, as you can't do it over again! I have seen repairs where a drop of glue placed over the break, cured and called good. Someone paid for that repair that will likely fail and crack-out.

As a general rule, you will not be able to get a crack front window repair if it is more than 6 inches long. If your problem is a chip instead of a crack, the chip should not be larger than a quarter. Keep in mind that these rules are not hard and fast, always check with a local professional.

Never pour hot water on your windshield. If you walk out and notice that your windshield is icy, you may consider pouring a large cup of hot water on the glass to melt the ice. This is actually a very bad idea. Large temperature changes can cause the glass to crack. It is best to turn on the car defroster and let the glass slowly warm up. The ice will melt away safely without damage to the glass.

If you are willing to show the property while it is being rehabbed, then place an ad in the paper. Take into consideration that you will be able to ask a higher price after windshield repair are completed. We find that buyers are more receptive to signing a contract after the house is in show condition.

This is another biggie. One way to overcome this stumbling block is to take a contractor with you when you inspect the house. If you do this on a few houses, you will become very efficient at estimating the cost to windshield chip repair many items such as putting on a new roof, installing siding, and replacing windows and doors. You will also become familiar with costs for painting, landscaping, clean outs, new furnaces and kitchen and bath updates.

Another way to figure out ARV is to get an appraisal from a certified appraiser. Yes this costs money, but if everything else looks good about the deal and you are uncomfortable with the realtor's comps, you can always get the opinion of another professional. They go more in-depth when appraising properties then realtors might. However I only trust the appraisal when I actually hired the appraiser. This way I know that I have given him/her the instructions on how I want the appraisal to be completed.

Filing a windshield repair claim is easy. It can be done over the phone. If you have insurance coverage for the repair, you may even be able to file your insurance claim at the same location where you take your car to be fixed. Both you and the person helping you will have to speak with an insurance agent before the claim is approved. However, once you get the go ahead, the repair can be made.

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